Bye Windows, hi Linux Mint

Posted on Jan 2, 2024

It’s been a while since I decided to give Windows another shot. I’ve been a Mac user for ages, but in 2021, I installed Windows on my desktop mainly because it’s got better gaming support.

A few weeks back, my SSD bit the dust, and I had to reinstall everything. While digging into how bloated and full of junk Windows has become, I thought of switching to something with better privacy and resource usage. That’s when I gave Linux Mint a spin.

I was pleasantly surprised at how smoothly it runs on my PC. No hiccups whatsoever – it recognized all my hardware like my RTX 3070Ti, 8BitDO arcade stick, soundcard, and even the water pump.

Feeling good about it for now. Let’s see if Linux on the desktop has come a long way since my last attempt back in 2010.